Heat Running Ducks

Hoo boy, this morning’s run was a bit sticky! We have had a relatively mild summer to date, but this week we are back to our normal late summertime in the Midwest weather. Normally not a problem for me as I train in these conditions in order to survive the July ultra, however, we all know what happened to those plans. Speaking (or more literally, typing) of which, I returned to the “scene of the crime” a few runs back…

I know some of you were worried about the fate of that tree per my last post. It is still standing at the moment. The Corp of Engineers caught wind of my late night plans and had their troops waiting for me when I showed up in my Ghillie suit and chainsaw. Didn’t fully think through the camouflage strategy with a bright orange saw. You get to live another day you bastard Ent, but I’m still coming for pulp!! I’m through the last of my heat races so heat conditioning is not as critical…miles are more critical as the “runway” is extremely compressed to the 100K. Translated, mercury bursting or not, lace up the shoes and minimally get 10 miles checked off. Got up earlier today in hopes of beating some of the misery (“feels like” is going to 115F) – didn’t help a lot, my face looked like 50 shades of …red.

Cinnamon Teal found at Henderson Bird Viewing and Nature Center, Henderson, NV in March 2023

Hit the jump to read more about this richly hued species and where you can likely encounter them.

Continue reading Heat Running Ducks

What Dental Plan?…by Brad Marks

Greetings everyone! Things are starting to rev up around here as we approach the 6 week mark before our annual Halloween Event (link here). It also means I’m about a week from getting very little sleep until the haunt is over. Adding to the chaos, my second 100k attempt is just two weeks after (Bri shall not fail again – link here). Basically when not finishing up the multitude of props that have been in construction since January, I’ll be pounding out miles and miles on the trails. As you would suspect, we are going to be relying heavily on Brad to make up for my limited availability. He has been working like a “black-tailed” dog over the past several months putting posts in the Intrigued queue that will surely keep you entertained. There is one to-do that needs to be addressed before the chaos begins and that is to sneak over to Farmdale and cut down a notoriously evil tree. While the saw chips fly, I’ll let Brad get into the swing of things.

Take it away Brad…

In retirement, Jan and I are trying to check off as many National Parks as we can.  We were almost finished planning a trip to see our daughter, Allyson, in Denver this past April when we asked what else she wanted to do while we were there.  We try to pick a location or activity Allyson has not done yet because it’s all new to us.  We offered the southwest, since it is, after all, April in Colorado.  She quickly said she’d like to see Mount Rushmore and the Black Hills again.  We said “Punkin’, it’s April in South Dakota, some stuff might not be open yet.  It could be snowy and cold.”  Allyson said she didn’t care and that Alec (her boyfriend) hadn’t been to the Black Hills yet.  After spending the night near Denver, Jan and I picked up Allyson and Alec and started the 5 ½ hour journey to the Black Hills.

While we were there, we wanted to make the most of the location, you know, getting our money’s worth from our Annual National Park Pass.  We decided to add Devils Tower National Monument to our trip.

Prairie Dogs by Brad Marks

Literally, seconds after entering the official park boundary, I hear from the back seat, “Dad!  Dad!  Dad!  Dad!  Dad!  Stop the car!” 

Hit the jump to find out the reason for the excitement!

Continue reading What Dental Plan?…by Brad Marks


It is not often I write up an entire post and then decide to pull it from publication at the last minute, but that is exactly what recently occurred. Pretty much everyone knows about my running mishap, so I am going to pretty much gloss over that setback beyond simply stating the recovery is going well and I’m doing my best to listen to Linda (she no longer frowns when I head out for a long run in the woods ha). There was, however, an unfortunately side effect that was probably worse than the injury itself and that is the “abundance” of time that it brought. Time normally spent keeping the country homestead up, working on Halloween props or the myriad of other physical activities that fill my normal days. I promised myself I wouldn’t do it and I still did it – the void ended up being filled with “the news”. I put that in quotes because I no longer believe we have resemblance of what that used to mean. It didn’t take long to become completely infuriated and without a good hard run to burn off the angst, it just continued to simmer into a full boil. My now shelved post (for the Mothership blog) outlined the hypocrisy that has inundated me for the past 6 or so weeks. As far as bodies of work goes, not too shabby of a post. Then I managed to sneak out and go for a long run – the same location and trail where the Ent broke me. While I was taking a picture (for posterity and future late night navigation when I revisit with a tree saw), it dawned on me I was smiling. Here I was at the scene of the crime and instead of being bitter and down, it was a feeling of relief and joy – I was back where I belong, standing in the dirt, surrounded by nature and thanks to the long time off, sweating profusely. No longer beholden to the lame stream media or political influencers my interest in reliving that crap had now disappeared. A previous run had already produced the title, just needed to repurpose it ha!

White Ibis found at South Padre Island Bird Viewing and Nature Center in January, 2023

Hit the jump to learn more about today’s substitute feature!

Continue reading Pinocchio

Because They Make Me Smile…by Brad Marks

Good news, had an appointment with my doctor today and the elbow is healing well. I was getting concerned as my range progress had stalled a bit and was worried the arm wasn’t going to achieve the mobility I wanted/needed. Doc is still confident on nearly full range once they get the rest of the swelling released and break apart the scar tissue. I predict some fun therapy sessions in the near future. The best news is they released me to start strength training in my sessions and ….wait for it … wait for it .. I can “start” running again. This brought an internal chuckle from me and a stern disapproving look from Linda. Thankfully she didn’t reveal I’ve been running for weeks hehehe. Going to let Brad take the helm today while I get ready for a celebratory, and now, guilt free training run. Just hoping I can get back to the running efficiency of his featured subjects!

Take it away Brad…

No one ever said bird photography would be easy.  The Intrigued corporate employee handbook doesn’t mention it either.  Yes, much of the time my subjects are sitting still, nicely perched on a branch or twig out in the open.  A few are sitting on the ground as pretty as you please.  Sometimes they are flying gracefully through the air on a predictable line so I can follow them easily.  But more often than not, they are behind twigs so the camera can’t get an easy focus lock.  Or flitting between branches.  Or hiding in tall grass.

Not this time.  This past February, Jan and I were taking a morning walk along Sunset Beach, adjacent to Bird Island, in North Carolina.  The sky was overcast and the wind was blowing at a constant 15-20MPH straight along the coast from the South.  With waves crashing ashore, and sand blowing in our faces (yes, I had a filter on the front of both camera lenses) we were lucky to find a rather spastic set of little birds.  They are constantly chasing the surf line, running up and down with the waves in what should be a predictable pattern.  In fact, “chasing the surf” is the precise behavior listed in the bird books to aid with identification.  If you’ve ever seen a certain Pixar animated movie short, you will understand . . . it rhymes with “hyper”.

Sanderlings at Sunset Beach, NC by Brad Marks

Hit the jump to read more about these spastic little birds!

Continue reading Because They Make Me Smile…by Brad Marks

Brags and Scales

Howdy everyone! Sorry, but I have to start with a brag. You’ve already read numerous agility accolades on Raven, our middle and smallest Poodle. He also happens to be my dog which may account for some of that boasting. Ruger on the other hand is still dealing with “Puppy Brain” and as I like to say..he’s the cute one (and officially Linda’s dog). Well, guess who became a star over the weekend!?!

Ruger at Fast Cat in August 2023

Just a quick background, Ruger comes from a performance breeder out of NY, strong, too smart for his age and from day one..QUICK. Those are perfect for the agility ring as long as he’s “listening”. Unfortunately, he is still learning that element and if he manages to get ahead of Linda, the Poodle Finger (Linda’s term) comes out and that dog takes any obstacle his eyes lock onto. Imagine a little kid hopped up on Pixie Stix on Christmas morning. The laughter that causes from the crowd just eggs him on. Well, we found his calling – Fast CAT – basically a 100 yard dash event and this weekend was his first competition. Holy smokes, we had no idea he would take to this so well. We tried a few “fun runs” at performance weekends we were at and he seemed to like it. In his first official 4 runs last weekend, he ran an 11.214 s, 11.017 s, 11.0 s then a draw dropping 10.528 s (or 19.43 mph). I need to get to today’s feature, but I can definitely say our little Ruger is still cute..but now we can confirm FAST. Well done little buddy.

We here at Intrigued do our very best to bring you interesting creatures to enjoy and if we are lucky, maybe an interesting story or minimally some background to add a bit of educational context. To do that, we generally need to know what we are looking at..well, at least when it comes to post time. In the field we shoot every damn thing that moves hehehe.

Water snake found at Chain O' Lakes State Park in May 2021

Hit the jump if you want to learn more about whatever this is!

Continue reading Brags and Scales

How Bizarre, How Bizarre

I would first like to welcome everyone to August…or as I like to say “holy crap we are now less than two months from our annual Haunted Trail Event” (link here). Being behind is standard operating procedure when it comes to the haunt side of Intrigued, but thanks to my little mishap I am doubly under the gun. The good news is I saw the therapist today and I’ve apparently made impressive progress in getting the swelling out and my flexibility has jumped considerably. At Linda’s insistence, the race last Saturday and my return to the scene of the crime for an 8 mile trail run last night were both confessed. His response…”I had no doubt after our first session”. We are going to get along just fine (Linda rolls eyes). With that said, today’s therapy work did push my limits and now replicating Caine’s branding scene with a giant bag of ice (link here). Grasshopper no like putting ice on elbow. With the inevitable hand numbing, thought this would be a perfect time to go with a post I’ve been saving for just such a time – heavy on pictures, lighter on words.

Oh, almost forgot! We wanted to wish Jan (Brad’s wife) well on her St. Jude run that launched today. Her team is running from Memphis, TN to Peoria. IL to help raise money for that great organization. Last I heard she had finished her first leg and her next one comes before the sun comes up tomorrow morning – and you think I am the crazy runner ha. Watch out for those evil trees.

American White Pelican found at Goose Island State Park, Rockport Texas, January 2022

Hit the jump to “see” more about what has this Pelican’s tongue so to speak!

Continue reading How Bizarre, How Bizarre